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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20221 min read
Is Magic Or Your Superpower Better?
Mystics, tarot, psychics, mediums, and astrologists can feel very compelling, most often when we are in pain and looking for meaning....
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20222 min read
Rumination and Procrastination
RUMINATION isn't thinking something over, it's an obsessive rehashing of negative scenarios or thoughts. An anxious nervous system can...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20222 min read
The Magic Of Doing The Hard Thing When It's The Right Thing
One of the Rebel Human orienting principles is to "do the hard thing when it's the right thing." We open and close classes and videos...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20221 min read
Controversial Topics
We are all striving for health, joy, fulfillment, contentment, comfort, and love. Sometimes when we don't feel any of those, we seek out...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20222 min read
Advocate For Yourself
We can move from people pleaser to advocate. We can get loud and still stay regulated. We can stand up for ourselves and others. If you...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20222 min read
Anguish To Action: The Right Way To Do It
Curled up in bed, outraged, spinning, crying, despondent, or terrified? Maybe you've felt all of these things in the last few days. Those...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20222 min read
Two Secret Safety Measures To Save Your Brain
You know that deep ache in the bones of your face when you're exhausted, but still awake and pushing through, still working, and still...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20222 min read
A Moment In The Stars To See Clearly
Our suffering often feels like the biggest thing in our field of vision. If we can take a moment to widen our perspective and zoom out to...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20222 min read
The Power of Doing Something Scary
We are not talking about horror movies, but the everyday experiences that scare us. We all have a different tolerance for scary things....
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Jenny Arrington
Nov 5, 20211 min read
How To Build Resilience
One competency of a Rebel Human is resilience and one of the seven skills we need to build in order to attain resilience is a high...
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Jenny Arrington
Oct 14, 20213 min read
Bedtime Challenges and Rituals
CHALLENGES 1) Distractions that masquerades as chore, responsibility, or a "must-do-now" to do. Keep a notepad in your bedroom and make a...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 23, 20211 min read
Plug and Hummmm
A fun tool for meditation: try earplugs. Yes, really! You may have heard I gave birth on The Learning Channel's A Baby Story, at home, in...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 15, 20213 min read
Food As Medicine & Why We Aren't Absorbing Nutrients
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." ― Hippocrates Let's first think about how we use the word "treat" in relation to...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 10, 20212 min read
Sound Healing: bathing in crystal singing bowls
We never evolved to have earlids. Our eyes get a break from the barrage of stimuli but we wouldn't have survived if we couldn't hear and...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 10, 20213 min read
What's In A Word - how mantra can help us
The word "mantra," is Sanskrit and built from the roots "manas" (the linear thinking mind) and "tra" (to cross over). Mantras can also be...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 10, 20213 min read
Wake Up! awareness and seeing clearly
The quieter we become, the more we can hear. One of the first steps to "waking up" is to get quiet, and listen. Are our days filled with...
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Jenny Arrington
Sep 10, 20211 min read
Wear It Like Silk Robe
Let's talk about releasing shit. Letting go. Release isn't a pushing away. It's a softening, so the stuff that is ready to go can slip...
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