Rebel Human for Schools is a web-based learning environment that allows educators to easily incorporate social and emotional learning (SEL) into their school’s 6-12 curriculum. Designed by experts in the field, Rebel Human for Schools integrates social and emotional learning (SEL) with foundational practices and vetted neuroscientific findings, allowing for a skills-based and experiential approach to social and emotional well-being. Rebel Human for Schools teaches practical tools that help students gain autonomy over their level of autonomic arousal, their self-concept, and their emotional state so they can live healthier, more meaningful, and more connected lives. Given the dramatic increases in depression, anxiety, and self-harm, now is the time for schools to implement regular, daily, school-wide wellness protocols.

WorkfloW helps you find your focus and flow by operationalizing the neuroscience of brain optimization in an easy-to-integrate web-based platform. WrkfloW is designed to help you gain control over your attention and spend more time engaged in deep work—work that is focused, uninterrupted, and productive. The unique features of the 21st century (frictionless communication channels and 24/7 access to smartphones) have caused you/your employees to spend increasingly more time on shallow work and less time on deep work. This is the wrong prioritization. Deep work is what adds value and creates output that is hard to replicate. Deep work is what "moves the needle" and gives work meaning. And in an increasingly shallow and distracted world, deep work is what gives you a competitive advantage

Rebel Human TV (RHTV) is our members-only on-demand virtual studio of over 50 classes and sound baths that support your ongoing development as you hone your skills in Rebel Human's core competencies of resilience, equanimity, and transcendence. RHTV is available 24/7 and includes Meditation, Yin Yoga, 20:20:20 (20 minutes of HIIT, 20 minutes of meditation, and 20 minutes of yoga asana), Vinyasa Yoga, and Sound Baths. Classes are taught by Rebel Human Co-Founder and Lead Teacher Jenny Arrington. As a Member you also get access to RH Challenges to grow your resilience, equanimity, and transcendence.

Rebel Human is an exclusive distributor of Crystal Tones™ singing bowls. These highly regarded singing bowls are made here in the US of the finest pure quartz crystal fused with rare minerals, gemstones, and metals such as platinum, gold, copper, moldavite, and Sedona red rock using a patented technology. This process creates singing bowls that produce rich harmonic overtones that are a deeply compelling focal point for the mind and resonant vibrations that help release tension held in the body. We can help you build your singing bowl collection for your own meditation practice, or to bring sound baths to your students and community.