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This 5-minute paced breath animation guides you in "turning" two of the "dials" from the Rebel Human® FIVE DIALS approach to personal autonomy. Simply inhale as the image expands and exhale as the image contracts. 

Doubling the length of your exhale in relation to your inhale slows your heart rate and activates the relax and repair branch of the autonomic nervous system. Focusing your eye gaze on a central image reduces your interpupillary distance and activates the focus chemicals in your brain such as acetylcholine. Turning these two "dials" in this specific way shift you into a calm + focused brain state, the sweet spot for any type of learning endeavor.

This video is one of the many tools shared in the Rebel Human® for Schools SEL program. Click below to learn more!

Rebel Human® for Schools has six main categories of video-led lessons:

The Foundation - Fundamental concepts and foundation skills.

Settle In - Short practices to cultivate calm + focus at the beginning of class, and rest + integration at the end.

Reset - Quick practices to refresh and reset mid class., or any time you need a brain break.

Level-Up - More advanced skills that build on The Foundation and add more tools to your wellbeing toolkit. 

SEL Explore - Inspirational shorts by real life Rebel Humans introducing SEL concepts to spark meaningful conversations.

Paced Breathing - Paced Breath Animations to quickly shift you into a calm and focused state while increasing your lung capacity and stress tolerance. 

Together, Rebel Human® for Schools includes 50+ video-led lessons and has a 4-year scope and sequence as well as a teacher training program, teacher's guide, web-based real-time classroom check-in tool, teacher/administrator dashboard showing usage statistics and program progress, and evaluation strategies and supports.

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